Freeware Password App
(too old to reply)
Ebbe Kristensen
2008-02-08 15:04:58 UTC
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
I don't use one myself but my wife uses Roboform - which unfortunately is
not free.
2) A stock tracking app (doesnt need to trade, just download portfolio
3) Currency converter (with online update)
Pass as well.
4) A scientific calculator with unit conversion
I use a free HP-41 emulator, found here: http://www.hp41.org

Beverly Howard [Ms-MVP/MobileDev]
2008-02-08 15:42:26 UTC
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
essential <<

know that the winmobile devices master password is very secure with
respect to anything in main memory... otherwise, google for POCKETPC

many good things have been posted about ewallet over the years
2) A stock tracking app (doesnt need to trade, just download
portfolio details) <<

Might see what your online service looks like using pie... for example,
if it offers details in pdf format, download and open in acrobat's pdf
3) Currency converter (with online update) <<
"Gamma Unit" did this but is now gone... google time. Gamma Unit is a
still great unit converter, but, if you run "update currency" you will
have to re-install the app.
4) A scientific calculator with unit conversion <<
There are a number of excellent calculators out there as well as unit
converters... google time. My suggestion (without units) is Eval from

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]
2008-02-08 16:50:20 UTC
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
essential <<
know that the winmobile devices master password is very secure with
respect to anything in main memory... otherwise, google for POCKETPC
Dunno if this runs on Pocket PC (*);


(* Without doubt the biggest piece of junk to come out of Redmond. Or indeed,
out of anywhere.)
"Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain
and presumptuous desire for a second one."
[email me at huge {at} huge (dot) org <dot> uk]
Trust No One®
2008-02-08 16:11:18 UTC
Hi all,
with much sadness I have been forced to retire my PalmOS Clie and move
to an HTC Touch running WM6. I used my palm as a PDA a lot and im
looking to replace some of the functionality I had with WM software.
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
Call me paranoid but I would avoid any password manager that is freeware.

Imagine a criminally minded hacker builds in a routine in their freeware
password app to "phone home" the contents of the database when the PDA is
synced with the desktop computer. Imagine all your CC numbers, PINs, PayPal
passwords etc in the hands of hackers! Bear in mind also (at least in the
UK) that you would be responsible for all losses if your CC/bank card PINS
were compromised in this way.

I would only go with a product made by a well established reputable software
house. Too much at stake. I know most freeware products are probably
reputable but I'm unwilling to take that chance with so much at risk.

BTW I keep my passwords on my desktop computer in a pgp encrypted text file
Peter <X-Files fan>
Harold Fuchs
2008-02-09 09:48:13 UTC
Post by Trust No One®
Hi all,
with much sadness I have been forced to retire my PalmOS Clie and move
to an HTC Touch running WM6. I used my palm as a PDA a lot and im
looking to replace some of the functionality I had with WM software.
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
Call me paranoid but I would avoid any password manager that is freeware.
Imagine a criminally minded hacker builds in a routine in their freeware
password app to "phone home" the contents of the database when the PDA is
synced with the desktop computer. Imagine all your CC numbers, PINs,
PayPal passwords etc in the hands of hackers! Bear in mind also (at least
in the UK) that you would be responsible for all losses if your CC/bank
card PINS were compromised in this way.
I would only go with a product made by a well established reputable
software house. Too much at stake. I know most freeware products are
probably reputable but I'm unwilling to take that chance with so much at
BTW I keep my passwords on my desktop computer in a pgp encrypted text
file :)
The Open Source movement makes this whole argument nonsense. You can obtain
the source code and examine it. You don't have merely to believe that the
[object] code you are running is the same as the [source] code you are
viewing - just recompile your [vetted] copy of the source code, after
removing all the black-hat code if you like, and use the result.

Try KeePass at
http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-keepass-ppc-v0-4-5.html It's
free and open source.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you ...

No, I have no affiliation to the Open Source movement or to the makers of

Harold Fuchs
London, England
2008-02-09 07:55:02 UTC
Hi all,
with much sadness I have been forced to retire my PalmOS Clie and move
to an HTC Touch running WM6. I used my palm as a PDA a lot and im
looking to replace some of the functionality I had with WM software.
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
I use the yadabytepasswords it has a windows version that opens the same
encrypted file so I can sync between my PPC and my XP laptop. It's free from
the yadabyte website.
2008-02-09 17:42:37 UTC
On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 06:37:40 -0800 (PST), andy M
Hi all,
with much sadness I have been forced to retire my PalmOS Clie and move
to an HTC Touch running WM6. I used my palm as a PDA a lot and im
looking to replace some of the functionality I had with WM software.
1) A Password safe - Ive been using Zetetic "Strip" which was
perfect . I need to be able to store passwords and CC numbers and PINs
etc. An accompanying windows desktop app would be cool but not
I'm happy with eWallet. No free, but not very expensive, and you can
try before you buy. Definitely has a desktop app; in fact, I enter
data only in the desktop version, and treat my phone copy as
read-only. See www.handango.com

Preferably free- or cheapware. I would pay for really outstanding
Thanks for suggestions.
andy M
To reply to me, remove the underscores (_) from my email address (and please indicate which newsgroup and message).

Robert E. Zaret, eMVP
PenFact, Inc.
20 Park Plaza, Suite 400
Boston, MA 02116
Useful reading (be sure to read its disclaimer first):
2008-02-11 02:17:16 UTC
Post by r***@pen_fact.com
I'm happy with eWallet. No free, but not very expensive, and you can
try before you buy. Definitely has a desktop app; in fact, I enter
data only in the desktop version, and treat my phone copy as
read-only. See www.handango.com
It has a surprisingly robust sync mechanism too, including the ability
to sync multiple sources at once.

I have my desktop set to sync my PPC, and a location on my internal LAN.
My laptop syncs that same location on my LAN (but via FTP, rather then a
file share), but in the event my FTP server is offline, it uses it's own
internal DB instead.

This is one of the very few applications that appears to properly sync
between three or more locations using files as a data transport, rather
then needing a direct connection between them.

Continue reading on narkive: