2007-08-27 11:37:24 UTC
I am totally new to handhelds, but I am looking for one. I am not totally
sure what I want though, but I was hoping for something that did not run
Windows Mobile, and I have heard that iPaqs may not be the best choice for
a first time handheld device.
So are there any tutorials on what to look for? Recommendations? Is there
a group FAQ?
I did search the archives and only found "pdaash" and "zauraus." The first
of which has gone the way of the link engine and the other is device-
sure what I want though, but I was hoping for something that did not run
Windows Mobile, and I have heard that iPaqs may not be the best choice for
a first time handheld device.
So are there any tutorials on what to look for? Recommendations? Is there
a group FAQ?
I did search the archives and only found "pdaash" and "zauraus." The first
of which has gone the way of the link engine and the other is device-
Remove the extra words to reply by e-mail. Don't e-mail me. I am kidding.
No I am not.
Remove the extra words to reply by e-mail. Don't e-mail me. I am kidding.
No I am not.